What Are Some of the Most Important Items to Check When You're Buying a Home?


If you're buying an apartment or house you need to be able to assess its structure and make sure you are protected against costly maintenance issues in the future. Nothing beats employing a professional building inspector to do this, as most people lack the knowledge or experience in order to detect potential problems. However, having a checklist of things to look for can help you initially. Here's an example of some of the areas you should be looking at.

14 April 2015

Child Psychology: Social and Emotional Milestones and Red Flags in 2 Year Olds


There are social and emotional milestones that parents should expect their children to reach as they grow up and take many years to develop. Social and emotional skills involve the ability to interact with other people and to understand and control one's emotions. Developing healthy social and emotional skills is crucial for learning how to communicate effectively and efficiently. By making mental notes of when your child has reached important social and emotional milestones and if they show any red flags, you can nip development problems in the bud.

6 April 2015